The fastest way to get to São Paulo is by air. Flights departures from Luís Eduardo Magalhães Airport in Salvador to Tinharé Island, there are two landing runways (each runway is used by a different company). It consists, in fact, of an Air Taxi service with aircraft licensed by ANAC.
The flight offers amazing views of the place. You’ll fly over the city of Salvador, through the Bay of All Saints, to reach the Island of Tinharé and you’ll delight yourself with breathtaking landscapes. It’s worth it!
The taxi flights between Salvador and Morro de São Paulo are scheduled according to a minimum number of passengers, but it is necessary to book in advance to form groups and thus have a confirmation of the flights.
The aircraft of the flight carries, on average, 20 passengers in mono and / or bi-engines, which has the capacity to transport five to nine people per route.
Another very good connection by flight, arriving (near) to Morro de São Paulo is by Azul Linhas Aéreas flights arriving at Valença Airport. The flight is only opened on Saturdays and has connections with almost all major airports in Brazil. The main airport bases are Viracopos (Campina-SP) and Confins (Belo Horizone-MG). Check up the air company website.
From the airport of Valença to the Marine Terminal of Bom Jardim (Atracadouro) are 10 km and you can take a taxi there. Then take a speed boat (15 minutes) to Morro de São Paulo.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The price of tickets and travel timetables are provided by the companies that do the transport or by travel agencies. The site is not responsible for price changes, promotions, overbookings, cancellation of flights, changes of schedules or anything referred to the services offered by them. Contact your Travel Agency and/or Tour Operator to confirm your trip.