Bus line Cidade do Sol, Santana, Águia Branca and bus line Camurujipe serve the city of Valença.
From Salvador there is a direct bus to Valença from Bus Station
Another quicker option is to cross from Salvador (São Joaquim Maritime Terminal) to Itaparica (Terminal Bom Despacho) via ferry boat and take the bus that goes to Valença. The bus companies are just outside the ferry. Be aware that after 3 pm the departure times decrease.
Bus Station de Salvador
+55 71 3616-8300
Bus Station de Valença
+55 75 3641-4894
Bus line Camurujipe
+55 71 3241-8413
Bus line Cidade Sol
+55 75 3641-3617
Bus line Águia Branca
+55 75 3641-3090
For more information please contact the companies.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : The values and times are provided by the companies that make the transport and by the travel agencies. The website www.morrodesaopaulo.com.br is not responsible for changes in prices, promotions, overboking, flight cancellations, schedule changes or anything that has to do with the service offered. Contact the agencies and operators to confirm your trip.